Feb 27, 2013

How can we limit the bandwidth on Cisco router ?

We have a router, f0/0 will be for the Internet connection with bandwidth of 30Mbps.
Its f0/1 will be connected to a switch for internal networks.
This link will be separated to 3 VLANs for 3 internal networks.
Is there is a way to guarantee 10Mbps for each VLAN but allow use up to 30Mbps when another two VLANs are not using any Internet bandwidth?
We worry about download bandwidth from internet.

The 3 internal networks will all have public IPs and they belong to their own subnets. There won't be NAT/PAT. Is there a sample config. available?

The following example polices the inside interface to 30Mbps. It also utilizes a fair queue mechanism so that all subnets are queued equally yet can use the entire purchased rate in the absence of competing traffic.


access-list 101 permit ip any a.a.a.a w.w.w.w ## Subnet A

access-list 102 permit ip any b.b.b.b w.w.w.w ## Subnet B

access-list 103 permit ip any c.c.c.c w.w.w.w ## Subnet C

class-map subnet-a
match access-group 101

class-map subnet-b
match access-group 102

class-map subnet-c
match access-group 103

policy-map subnets
class-map subnet-a
bandwidth percent 33
class-map subnet-b
bandwidth percent 33
class-map subnet-c
bandwidth percent 33

policy-map physical
class class-default
police 30000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
service-policy subnets

int fa0/1
service-policy output physical

    The parent policy (physical) limits the traffic to 30Mbps. The child policy (subnets) allocates 33% of available bandwidth to each subnet. In this case it should be very close to 10Mbps for each subnet. This is a fair queue mechanism so it will only enforce the 10Mbps limit if all subnets are in contention with each other. If subnet A and B are idle subnet C can take all 30Mbps.

    A it to the physical interface should affect all traffic traversing that interface; which includes all sub-interfaces. Please click here for an example.

    If this techniques doesn't support 1800 you could police each sub-interface. This would ensure good service for everyone but leave bandwidth unused and unavailable during idle times.

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Video Introduction to New CCNAv5.0 Curriculum

As previously announced, NetAcad is releasing a new version of our CCNA curriculum this year. We are delighted to share an exciting video introduction to the new CCNA curriculum with you. This is one of many communications we will be sending over the coming months to provide regular updates on our progress and share more in-depth information, including the scope and sequence, equipment requirements, and phase release plans.
You told us what you wanted and we listened. This short video begins with an animation that captures the essence of how the flexibility of the new CCNA curriculum will enable you to accommodate diverse student learning goals and personalize the courses to fit your own teaching style.
As a reminder, we are targeting phased releases of the new CCNA courses starting in June 2013, with all courses to be available by December 2013. Thank you for your continued collaboration as we bring you this exciting new version of CCNA.
The new CCNA curriculum represents the future of Mind Wide Open teaching and learning.
Join us in the new CCNA experience.

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